easyrpg-player - Interpreter for RPG Maker 2000/2003 games
easyrpg-player [<optional flags>…]
EasyRPG Player is an open source interpreter for RPG Maker 2000 and 2003 games. It aims to support all features of unmodified games and also has some support for some additional binary patches.
Engine options
- --autobattle-algo ALGO
Which AutoBattle algorithm to use. Possible options:
'RPG_RT' - The default RPG_RT compatible algo, including RPG_RT bugs
'RPG_RT+' - The default RPG_RT compatible algo, with bug fixes
'ATTACK' - Like RPG_RT+, but only physical attacks, no skills
- -c, --config-path PATH
Set a custom configuration path. When not specified, the configuration folder in the users home directory is used. The default configuration path is '$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/EasyRPG/Player'.
- --encoding ENCODING
Instead of autodetecting the encoding or using the one in 'RPG_RT.ini', the specified encoding is used. 'ENCODING' is the number of the codepage used in Windows. Common encodings:
'932' - Japanese (Shift-JIS)
'936' - Simplified Chinese (GB2312)
'949' - Korean (Unified Hangul)
'950' - Traditional Chinese (Big5)
'1250' - Central European
'1251' - Cyrillic
'1252' - Western European (Latin 1)
For games that only use ASCII (English games) use '1252'. |
- --enemyai-algo ALGO
Which EnemyAI algorithm to use. Possible options:
'RPG_RT' - The default RPG_RT compatible algo, including RPG_RT bugs
'RPG_RT+' - The default RPG_RT compatible algo, with bug fixes
- --engine ENGINE
Disable autodetection of the simulated engine. Possible options:
'rpg2k' - RPG Maker 2000 (v1.00 - v1.10)
'rpg2kv150' - RPG Maker 2000 (v1.50 - v1.51)
'rpg2ke' - RPG Maker 2000 RPG Maker 2000 (English release, v1.61)
'rpg2k3' - RPG Maker 2003 (v1.00 - v1.04)
'rpg2k3v105' - RPG Maker 2003 (v1.05 - v1.09a)
'rpg2k3e' - RPG Maker 2003 RPG Maker 2003 (English release, v1.12)
- --font1 FILE
Path to a font to use for the first font. The system graphic of the game determines whether font 1 or 2 is used. When no font is selected or the selected font lacks certain glyphs the built-in pixel font is used.
- --font1-size PX
Size of font 1 in pixels. The default value is 12.
- --font2 FILE
Path to a font to use for the second font. See font 1 for further information.
- --font2-size PX
Size of font 2 in pixels. The default value is 12.
- --font-path PATH
Configures the path where the settings scene looks for fonts. The user can choose from any font in the directory. This is more flexible than using --font1 or --font2 directly. The default path is 'config-path/Font'.
- --language LANG
Loads the game translation in language/'LANG' folder.
- --load-game-id ID
Skip the title scene and load SaveID.lsd ('ID' is padded to two digits).
- --log-file FILE
Path to the logfile. The Player will write diagnostic messages to this file. The default logfile is '$XDG_STATE_HOME/EasyRPG-Player.log'.
- --new-game
Skip the title scene and start a new game directly.
- --no-log-color
Disable colors in terminal log.
- --no-rtp
Disable support for the Runtime Package (RTP). Will lead to checkerboard graphics and silent music/sound effects in games depending on the RTP.
- --patch-antilag-switch SWITCH
Disables event page refreshing when the switch 'SWITCH' is set to 'ON'.
- --patch-common-this
Enable usage of This Event in common events in any version of the engine. By default, this behaviour is only enabled for RPG Maker 2003 v1.12.
- --patch-direct-menu VAR
Directly access subscreens of the default menu by setting VAR. See also:
- --patch-dynrpg
Enable limited support for the DynRPG patch from Cherry. The patches are not loaded from DLL files, but re-implemented by the engine. See also:
- --patch-easyrpg
Enable EasyRPG extensions such as support for 32 bit images and large charsets.
- --patch-key-patch
Enable support for the Key Patch by Ineluki.
- --patch-maniac [N]
Enable support for the Maniac Patch by BingShan. Values for N:
1: Enable the patch (default)
2: Enable the patch but do not adjust variable ranges to 32-bit.
Not adjusting the variable ranges is useful if you are adding the patch to an existing game, as this reduces the likelihood that the game will stop working.
- --patch-pic-unlock
Picture movement is not interrupted by messages in any version of the engine. By default, this behaviour is only enabled for RPG Maker 2003 v1.12.
- --patch-rpg2k3-cmds
Support all RPG Maker 2003 event commands in any version of the engine.
- --no-patch
Disable all engine patches.
Providing any patch option disables the patch autodetection of the engine. To disable a single patch, prefix any of the patch options with --no-. |
- --project-path PATH
Instead of using the working directory, the game in 'PATH' is used.
- --record-input FILE
Record all button inputs to 'FILE'.
- --replay-input FILE
Replays button input from 'FILE', as generated by --record-input. If the RNG seed (--seed) and the state of the save file directory are the same as it was when the log was recorded, this should reproduce an identical run to the one recorded.
- --rtp-path PATH
Adds 'PATH' to the RTP directory list and use this one with highest precedence.
- --save-path PATH
Instead of storing save files in the game directory they are stored in 'PATH'. The directory must exist.
When using the game browser all games will share the same save directory! |
- --seed SEED
Seeds the random number generator.
Video options
- --fps-limit
In combination with --no-vsync sets a custom frames per second limit. If unspecified, the default is 60 fps. Set to 0 or use --no-fps-limit to disable the frame limiter. This option may not be supported on all platforms.
- --fps-render-window
Render the frames per second counter in both fullscreen and windowed mode. Can be disabled with --no-fps-render-window.
- --fullscreen
Start in fullscreen mode.
- --game-resolution RESOLUTION
Force a different game resolution. RPG Maker games are designed for 320x240. This option fakes certain metrics to make games run at higher resolutions. Rendering in a different resolution can cause graphical glitches or break games entirely. Possible options:
'original' - 320x240 (4:3), the default resolution
'widescreen' - 416x240 (16:9)
'ultrawide' - 560x240 (21:9)
- --pause-focus-lost
Pause the game when the window has no focus. Can be disabled with --no-pause-focus-lost.
- --scaling MODE
How the video output is scaled. Possible options:
'nearest' - Scale to screen size using nearest neighbour algorithm. This is fast, but causes scaling artifacts.
'integer' - Like 'nearest' but scales to a multiple of the game resolution to avoid artifacts.
'bilinear' - Like 'nearest' but apply a bilinear filter to avoid the artifacts.
- --show-fps
Enable display of the frames per second counter. When in windowed mode it is shown inside the window. When in fullscreen mode it is shown in the titlebar. Use --fps-render-window to always show the counter inside the window. Can be disabled with --no-show-fps.
- --stretch
Ignore the aspect ratio and stretch video output to the entire width of the screen. Can be disabled with --no-stretch.
- --vsync
Enables vertical sync. Vsync may or may not be supported on all platforms. Check the engine log to verify whether or not vsync actually is being used. Can be disabled with --no-vsync.
- --window
Start in windowed mode.
Audio options
- --disable-audio
Disable audio (in case you prefer your own music).
- --music-volume VOLUME
Set the volume of background music to a value from 0 to 100.
- --sound-volume VOLUME
Set the volume of sound effects to a value from 0 to 100.
- --soundfont FILE
Adds 'FILE' to the list of soundfonts used for playing MIDI files and use this one with highest precedence. The soundfont must be in SF2 format.
- --soundfont-path P
Configures the path where the settings scene looks for soundfonts. The user can choose from any soundfont in the directory. This is more flexible than using --soundfont directly. The default path is 'config-path/Soundfont'.
Debug options
- --battle-test MONSTERPARTY
Starts a battle test with the specified monster party. This is for starting battle tests in RPG Maker 2000.
Starts a battle test with the specified monster party, formation, start condition and terrain. This is for starting battle tests in RPG Maker 2003.
- --hide-title
Hide the title background image and center the command menu.
- --start-map-id ID
Overwrite the map used for new games and use MapID.lmu instead ('ID' is padded to four digits).
Incompatible with --load-game-id. |
- --start-position X Y
Overwrite the party start position and move the party to position ('X', 'Y').
Incompatible with --load-game-id. |
- --start-party A [B …]
Overwrite the starting party members with the actors with IDs 'A', 'B', '…'
Incompatible with --load-game-id. |
- --test-play
Enable TestPlay (Debug) mode.
Other options
- -v, --version
Display program version and exit.
- -h, --help
Display help and exit.
For compatibility with the original RPG Maker runtime the following legacy arguments are supported:
- BattleTest ID
Same as --battle-test. The argument list starts at the 4th argument.
- HideTitle
Same as --hide-title.
- TestPlay
Same as --test-play.
- Window
Same as --window.
Full path to a directory containing an extracted RPG Maker 2000 Runtime Package (RTP).
Full path to a directory containing an extracted RPG Maker 2003 RTP.
Full path to a directory containing a combined RTP.
All '*_RTP_PATH' variables support directory lists, using colon (':') or semicolon (';') as separator. Useful when you have multiple translated RTP versions or directories with extra files. The '--rtp-path' command line option supports directory lists as well. |
List of soundfonts in sf2 format to use when playing MIDI files. The first existing soundfont is used.
Use colon (':') or semicolon (';') as separator. Use '--soundfont' to specify a soundfont on the command line. |
Sets game-specific settings to alter the engine behaviour. It follows a simple Key=Value syntax in multiple sections.
Options in section 'Game':
- NewGame=1
Same as --new-game.
- FakeResolution=1
When 'WinW'/'WinH' in 'RPG_RT.ini' are used, enable the metric faking algorithm used by --game-resolution.
- Engine=ENGINE
Same as --engine.
Options in section 'Patch' (see also options starting with --patch):
- AntiLagSwitch=SWITCH
Same as --patch-anti-lag-switch 'SWITCH'.
- CommonThisEvent=1
Same as --patch-common-this.
- DynRPG=1
Same as --patch-dynrpg.
- KeyPatch=1
Same as --patch-key-patch.
- Maniac=1
Same as --patch-maniac.
- PicUnlock=1
Same as --patch-pic-unlock.
- RPG2k3Commands=1
Same as --patch-rpg2k3-commands.
Providing any patch option disables the patch autodetection of the engine. |
[Game] NewGame=1 Engine=rpg2k [Patch] CommonThisEvent=1 Maniac=1
Values in the configuration file will overwrite auto-detected ones, however, command line parameters will take precedence. |
The game configuration file. It follows a simple Key=Value syntax in multiple sections.
Options in section 'RPG_RT':
- GameTitle=TITLE
Title shown in the titlebar. The string must have the same encoding as the game (see also --encoding).
- FullPackageFlag=1
Indicates that the game does not use assets from the Runtime Package (RTP).
Set a custom screen width in pixels. Use this in combination with WinH. The x and y coordinates are at the top-left corner. This behaviour can be altered with FakeResolution.
Set a custom screen height.
These resolution options were invented by the Maniac Patch but they are processed even when the patch is disabled. Using a custom resolution disables --game-resolution. |
Options in section 'EasyRPG':
- Encoding=ENCODING
Same as --encoding.
[RPG_RT] GameTitle=My Game FullPackageFlag=1 WinW=640 WinH=480 [EasyRPG] Encoding=1252
'Encoding=1252' sets the correct encoding for most English games.
Values in the configuration file will overwrite auto-detected ones, however, command line parameters will take precedence. |
Reporting Bugs
Bugs should be reported at the issue tracker:
Copyright / Authors
EasyRPG Player is Copyright © 2007-2025 the EasyRPG authors, see file for details.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU GPL version 3. See the file COPYING or for details.
See Also
mkxp - An open source RGSS (Ruby Game Scripting System) interface implementation that aims to support games created by "RPG Maker XP", "RPG Maker VX" and "RPG Maker VX Ace".
For additional information about EasyRPG software and related projects there is a wiki: